The Trust’s aim is to encourage expansion of the choral scholar scheme whereby a group of scholars are brought together to receive tuition in the art of choral performance. The scholars are encouraged into the scheme by the provision of scholarships which are conditional upon the scholar completing a course of tuition.
The main driver of the scheme has been and continues to be Swansea University. The University is committed to 50% funding of scholarship currently provided. This is match funded by the Trust (four scholars) and St Mary’s Church (two scholars). The Trust furthermore offers all six scholars a 50% contribution toward the cost of vocal tuition.
The Trust’s aim is to expand the scheme to a balanced group of eight singers, fully funding a further two bursaries and making the 50% contribution toward the cost of their vocal tuition. This would immeasurably expand repertoire possibilities; furthermore such a group could perform in schools, colleges and public concerts thereby increasing awareness of the value of choral singing in the community of Swansea and its environs.
The Trust’s funding and, indeed, the existence of the choral scholarship scheme, has been amply vindicated during the last eighteen months, a period during which the larger choral organisations were unable to meet. As levels of restrictions have permitted, scholars, socially distanced in a manner challenging to most members of choral organisations, have been in a supervised position to support the musical presentations at our partner organisation, St Mary’s Church, whilst also receiving musical tuition. Their musical experience was enhanced by a varied and innovative choice of repertoire ranging from solo motets and anthems to works arranged, occasionally composed specifically for the number of voices available, by the Director of Music, Dr William Reynolds. Such activity has engendered wide public interest reflected by increased congregations from a wider range of social backgrounds attending regular services at which the scholars have performed.
Funding expenditures from income requires the Trust to appeal for donations of any amount, large or small. The Trust has a fundraising target to cover operating costs of the next two academic years of £25,000.
A form to accompany any gift is attached for your use and may be downloaded here. A donation may be made by a single payment paid directly to the Trust’s bank account as shown within the form. Should you wish to enter into an arrangement to make a regular payment, please complete the standing order mandate in the form and return the form to us at the address shown. Cheques may be sent to the Trust’s address at The Eastmoor Centre, St Barnabas Church offices, Hawthorne Avenue, Uplands, Swansea, SA2 0LP. Please send the form to the address shown.
If you are able to make a donation, on behalf of the Trustees and the Scholars, “Thank you”.
One of the most beneficial ways in which you are able to support our work is by remembering the Trust in your will. If you wish to support us in this way and have existing will arrangements in place, you may vary your existing arrangements by making a provision through a codicil. A codicil is a document used to make simple amendments to your existing will arrangements.
Should you decide to consider this option, please email us at info@swanseastmaryschoraltrust.organd we will assist you through the simple process, providing you with the necessary forms and procedural detail. We are not permitted to provide you with formal professional legal advice and any decision that you make must be at your own discretion. The form of document that we provide sets out the details you will require with regard to the Trust including its registration with the Charity Commissioners.
Every donation and gift, whether large or small, makes a highly valued difference to the Trust. As Trustees, we are incredibly grateful to those who consider remembering us in this way. The Trust acknowledges, with gratitude, donations made by The Austin Bailey Foundation, The Friends of the Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts together with individuals who have chosen to remain anonymous, for their generosity and continuing support. Without their help and support, the achievements over the past 12 months would not have been possible.
We hope you will enjoy this final example of choral music and have enjoyed the other examples you may have encountered on your journey through the website. We are grateful to the composers, performers and all involved in making the recordings and who have consequently contributed to our charitable efforts and the promotion of choral music in general.
Readers note : Hail gladdening light – Charles Wood – Kings College