The Trust does not have any permanent staff as it works with partners who provide tuition and musical experience.
St Mary’s Church
St Mary’s Church is one of the Trust’s principal partners. The building, acoustically, is a particularly fine venue for a wide range of choral music extending beyond the Anglican tradition.
Joining with the Music department of the Church offers scholars regular participation in choral performances. For special and commemorative occasions, the parish church choir is augmented by additional voices, individuals with a wealth of musical experience. This brings a greater experience for the scholars.
Dr William Reynolds
William is Director of Music at St Mary’s. He also pursues an active freelance career as conductor, organ recitalist, singer, composer and teacher. Comprehensively qualified and experienced, he monitors, on behalf of the Trust and Swansea University, the progress of their nominated choral scholars, also providing tuition with an emphasis on vocal technique and musical development.
Swansea University
Jointly with the Parish of St Mary’s, Swansea University provides financial support for two students who apply for grants to fund external and additional tuition towards the development of their musical ability. The Trust joins with Swansea University in the provision of financial support to additional students. The students apply for consideration for the awards and are selected through the University’s grant process, following auditions.
Dr Ian Rutt
Ian is the Director of Music at Swansea University. He is an organist, pianist and conductor. Ian obtained a Bachelor of Music degree from the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen.
Readers note : CBP 2017 Mendelssohn – Lobgesang